CaseOLAP score calculation
CaseOLAP score calculation : CaseOLAP score are the quantification of user defined entity-category association. It start with the text-cube document structure and finds the entity in each document in each cell of the text-cube and by implementing updated text-cube metadata, it calculates the CaseOLAP score with following steps:
Integrity : Integrity of user defined phrase is taken to be 1. (Autophrase, Segphrase)
Popularity : It depends on how frequently a protein name is mentioned within one category, and it is calculated only using the statistics from the cells of documents pertaining to that individual category. Rare protein names in a cell are ranked low, while an increase in their frequency of mention has a diminishing return.
- In each of the cell c in text-cube, term frequency tf(p,c)
of each entity is calculated.
- Using individual term frequency for each entity(protein), total sum of the term frequency cntP(c) is calculated.
- A normalized popularity of phrase p
in cell c
, pop(p,c)
is calculated by using tf(p,c)
and ntfP(c)
calculated in 6.2.1 and 6.2.2. [eq ref].
Distinctiveness : It is based on the relevance of a entity name to a specific category by comparing the occurrence of the protein name in the target data set, i.e., the cell documents describing one cell, to the contrastive data set, i.e., the cells of documents describing the remaining cells.
- Normalized term frequency ntf(p,c)
[eq ref] and normalized document frequency ndf(p,c)
[eq ref] at 5.4.3 are used to calculated the relevance score rel(p,c)
[eq. ref] of protein p
in cell c
- Normalized distinctiveness disti(p,c) [eq ref] is calculated by using relevance score of protein p in cell c and and relevance across neighbouring cells c’ (c’ K(p,c)
: neighbourhoods of cell c
CaseOLAP score: It is the product of Integrity, Popularity and Distinctiveness calculated in 6.1,6.2 and 6.3.
Import required libraries
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns %matplotlib inline import json
with open('input/cat2pmids.json', 'r') as f: cvd2pmids = json.load(f) print('total cat2pmids:',len(cat2pmids)) with open('input/pmid2pcount.json', 'r') as f: pmid2pcount = json.load(f) print('total pmid2pcount:',len(pmid2pcount))
Caseolap Score Calculation
class Caseolap(object): def __init__(self,cvd2pmids,pmid2pcount): self.cellnames = [] self.cvd2pmids = cvd2pmids self.pmid2pcount = pmid2pcount self.cell_pmids = {} self.cell_pmid2pcount = {} self.all_proteins = [] self.cell_uniqp = {} self.cell_p2tf = {} self.cell_tf = {} self.cell_cntp = {} self.cell_pop = {} self.cell_p2pmid = {} self.cell_ntf ={} self.cell_ndf ={} self.cell_rel ={} self.cell_dist = {} self.cell_caseolap ={} def df_builder(self,cell_quant,fname): flatdata = [] for p in self.all_proteins: d = {'protein':p} for name in self.cellnames: d.update({name:cell_quant[name][p]}) flatdata.append(d) df = pd.DataFrame(flatdata) df = df.set_index('protein') df.to_csv('data/'+fname+'.csv') return df def dump_json(self,data,fname): with open('data/'+fname+'.json', 'w') as dl: json.dump(data, dl) def cell_pmids_collector(self, dump = False,verbose =False): for key,value in self.cvd2pmids.items(): cell_name = key cell_pmids = value self.cellnames.append(cell_name) self.cell_pmids.update({cell_name:cell_pmids}) if verbose: print('total pmids collected for cell - ',cell_name,len(cell_pmids)) if dump: self.dump_json(self.cell_pmids,fname = 'cellpmids') def cell_pmid2pcount_collector(self): for key,value in self.cell_pmids.items(): cell_name = key cell_pmids = value ipmid2pcount = {} for pmid in cell_pmids: pmid_pcount = self.pmid2pcount[pmid] ipmid2pcount.update({pmid:pmid_pcount}) self.cell_pmid2pcount.update({cell_name:ipmid2pcount}) def all_protein_finder(self,dump =False,verbose = False): allproteins = [] for key,value in self.cell_pmid2pcount.items(): cell_name = key cellpmid2pcount = value cellproteins = [] for key, value in cellpmid2pcount.items(): pmid = key pmid_pcount = value for key,value in pmid_pcount.items(): allproteins.append(key) cellproteins.append(key) uprotein = list(set(cellproteins)) self.cell_uniqp.update({cell_name:uprotein}) if verbose: print('total proteins collected for cell - ',cell_name,len(uprotein)) self.all_proteins = list(set(allproteins)) if verbose: print('total proteins collected: ',len(self.all_proteins)) if dump: self.dump_json(self.all_proteins,fname = 'allproteins') self.dump_json(self.cell_uniqp,fname = 'unique_proteins') def cell_map(self,cellpmid2pcount,select): map_dict = [] for key,value in cellpmid2pcount.items(): pmid = key pmid_pcount = value for key, value in pmid_pcount.items(): if select == 'tf': map_dict.append({'protein': key, 'tf':int(value)}) elif select == 'pmid': map_dict.append({'protein': key, 'pmid':pmid}) return map_dict def cell_reduce(self,Dict,col,operation): df = pd.DataFrame(Dict) df = df.set_index(col[0]) if operation == 'sum': gdf = df.groupby(col[0]).sum() elif operation == 'count': gdf = df.groupby(col[0]).count() index_name = list(gdf.index) csum = list(gdf[col[1]]) ucount = {} for x,y in zip(index_name,csum): ucount.update({x:y}) return ucount def cell_p2tf_finder(self): for key,value in self.cell_pmid2pcount.items(): cell_name = key cellpmid2pcount = value '''map-reduce''' CellP2tf = self.cell_map(cellpmid2pcount,select ='tf') cellp2tf = self.cell_reduce(CellP2tf,['protein','tf'],operation = 'sum') self.cell_p2tf.update({cell_name:cellp2tf}) def cell_tf_finder(self): for key, value in self.cell_p2tf.items(): cell_name = key cellp2tf = value celltf = {} for p in self.all_proteins: if p in self.cell_uniqp[cell_name]: celltf.update({p:cellp2tf[p]}) else: celltf.update({p:0}) self.cell_tf.update({cell_name:celltf}) def cell_pop_finder(self,dump=False): for key,value in self.cell_tf.items(): cell_name = key cell_tf = value cellpop = {} cntp = 0 #---------------------------- for key,value in cell_tf.items(): cntp = cntp+int(value) self.cell_cntp.update({cell_name:cntp}) #------------------------------ for key,value in cell_tf.items(): pop = np.log(value +1)/np.log(cntp) cellpop.update({key:pop}) self.cell_pop.update({cell_name:cellpop}) if dump: self.df_builder(self.cell_pop,fname = 'pop') def cell_p2pmid_finder(self): for key,value in self.cell_pmid2pcount.items(): cell_name = key cellpmid2pcount = value '''map-reduce''' CellP2pmid = self.cell_map(cellpmid2pcount,select = 'pmid') cellp2pmid = self.cell_reduce(CellP2pmid,['protein','pmid'],operation = 'count') self.cell_p2pmid.update({cell_name:cellp2pmid}) def cell_ntf_finder(self): k1 = 1.2 b = 0.75 for key,value in self.cell_tf.items(): cell_name = key celltf = value #---------------------------- nonzero_celltf = [] for key,value in celltf.items(): if int(value)>0: nonzero_celltf.append(int(value)) #------------------------------------------- av_cntp = self.cell_cntp[cell_name]/float(len(nonzero_celltf)) cellntf = {} for key,value in celltf.items(): p = key tf = value ntf = (tf*(k1+1))/float(tf+(k1*(1-b+(b*(self.cell_cntp[cell_name]/float(av_cntp)))))) cellntf.update({p:ntf}) self.cell_ntf.update({cell_name:cellntf}) def cell_ndf_finder(self): for key,value in self.cell_p2pmid.items(): cell_name = key cellp2pmid = value all_pmid_counts = [] cellndf = {} #-------------------------------------------- for key,value in cellp2pmid.items(): all_pmid_counts.append(value) maxv = max(all_pmid_counts) #----------------------------------------- for p in self.all_proteins: if p in self.cell_uniqp[cell_name]: c = cellp2pmid[p] ndf = np.log(1 + c)/np.log(1 + maxv) else: ndf = 0 cellndf.update({p:ndf}) self.cell_ndf.update({cell_name:cellndf}) def cell_rel_finder(self): for key,value in self.cell_ntf.items(): cell_name = key cellntf = value cellrel = {} for p in self.all_proteins: rel = cellntf[p]*self.cell_ndf[cell_name][p] cellrel.update({p:rel}) self.cell_rel.update({cell_name:cellrel}) def cell_dist_finder(self,dump=False): cell_exprel = {} for key,value in self.cell_rel.items(): cell_name = key cellrel = value cellexprel = {} for key,value in cellrel.items(): cellexprel.update({key:np.exp(value)}) cell_exprel.update({cell_name:cellexprel}) #----------------------------------------------------- p2din = {} for p in self.all_proteins: din = 1.0 for cellname in self.cellnames: din = din + cell_exprel[cellname][p] p2din.update({p:din}) #-------------------------------------------------------- for key,value in cell_exprel.items(): cell_name = key cellexprel = value celldist = {} for key,value in cellexprel.items(): celldist.update({key:value/p2din[key]}) self.cell_dist.update({cell_name:celldist}) if dump: self.df_builder(self.cell_dist,fname = 'dist') def cell_cseolap_finder(self,dump=False): for key,value in self.cell_dist.items(): cell_name = key celldist = value cellcaseolap = {} for key,value in celldist.items(): cellcaseolap.update({key:(value*self.cell_pop[cell_name][key])}) self.cell_caseolap.update({cell_name:cellcaseolap}) if dump: self.df_builder(self.cell_caseolap,fname = 'caseolap') self.dump_json(self.cell_caseolap,fname = 'caseolap')
Test Run
C = Caseolap(cvd2pmids,pmid2pcount) C.cell_pmids_collector(dump =True,verbose =True) #C.cell_pmids C.cell_pmid2pcount_collector() #C.cell_pmid2pcount C.all_protein_finder(dump =True,verbose = True) #C.all_proteins C.all_protein_finder() #C.all_proteins #C.cell_uniqp C.cell_p2tf_finder() #C.cell_p2tf C.cell_tf_finder() #C.cell_tf C.cell_pop_finder(dump=True) #C.cell_pop C.cell_p2pmid_finder() #C.cell_p2pmid C.cell_ntf_finder() #C.cell_ntf C.cell_ndf_finder() #C.cell_ndf C.cell_rel_finder() #C.cell_rel C.cell_dist_finder(dump=True) #C.cell_dist C.cell_cseolap_finder(dump=True) #C.cell_caseolap