CaseOLAP Platform
We are greatly excited with the new enthusiasm to introduce the Context-aware Semantic Online Analytical Processing pipeline (CaseOLAP), developed in 2016. The rapidly accumulating quantity of biomedical textual data has far exceeded the human capacity of manual curation and analysis, necessitating novel text-mining tools to extract biological insights from large volumes of scientific reports.CaseOLAP successfully quantifies user-defined phrase-category relationships through analysis of textual data.
This online documents has been prepared for caseOLAP platform for coding tools development and implementation. We have developed a protocol for the complete CaseOLAP platform, including data preprocessing (i.e., downloading and parsing text documents), indexing and searching with Elasticsearch, creating a functional document structure called Text-Cube and quantifying phrase-category relationships using the core CaseOLAP algorithm.
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Figure : Counting number of decendent nodes in each categories of ICD 11 code trees.
Prepared By: PingLab (UCLA)