Data Parsingn Pipeline

This pipeline will parse the extracted data and convert it into data structures compatible with the CaseOLAP pipeline.

Installation of required python package : Install and import lxml, itertools and json libraries into the current python environment.

In [0]:
import re
import itertools
import json
import sys
import os
import time
import traceback
from lxml import etree

Set up output data dir

In [0]:
DATA_DIR = './'

MeSH statistics dictionary

In [0]:
mesh_statistics = {}

Data parsing strategy : The extracted data is an XML file, and text data is embedded in the tree structure of XML document. The following are steps for parsing data:

  • Implement the etree functionality in lxml module to dig into the tree structure of XML document.
  • The separate components e.g. PMID, authors, abstract, MeSH etc. of the data is obtained by using tags representing these components.
  • Implement the chain functionality in itertools to creates an iterator that returns elements from the iterables which was obtained by implementing etree functionality in lxml.
In [0]:
# Search the tag in the xml element
# Return tag's text if tag exists, return empty string if doesn't
def get_text(element, tag):
    e = element.find(tag)
    if e is not None:
        return e.text
        return ''

# <!ELEMENT	AuthorList (Author+) >
# <!ELEMENT	Author (((LastName, ForeName?, Initials?, Suffix?)\
#                | CollectiveName), Identifier*, AffiliationInfo*) >
def parse_author(authors):
    result = []
    for author in authors:
        item = {}
        item['LastName'] = get_text(author, 'LastName')
        item['ForeName'] = get_text(author, 'ForeName')
        item['Initials'] = get_text(author, 'Initials')
        item['Suffix'] = get_text(author, 'Suffix')
        item['CollectiveName'] = get_text(author, 'CollectiveName')
    return result

Creation of dictionary of parsed data : A python dictionary is created with all the components as key-value pair. This JSON-like data structure makes it compatible for indexing and searching in Elasticsearch which is described in step 3 of protocol.

Creation of MeSH to PMID mapping: During the creation of dictionary of parsed data, MeSH to PMID mapping table can also be created. This mapping is used to create Text-cube(in step 4) document structure as an requirement of CaseOLAP algorithm.

In [0]:
def parse_pubmed_file(file, pubmed_output_file, pmid2mesh_output_file):

    print('Start parsing %s' % file)

    t1 = time.time()

    f = open(file, 'r')

    tree = etree.parse(f)
    articles = itertools.chain(tree.findall('PubmedArticle'), tree.findall('BookDocument'))
    count = 0

    noabs = 0
    for article in articles:

        count += 1
        result = {}
        pmid2mesh = {}

        # PMID - Exactly One Occurrance
        result['PMID'] = get_text(article, './/PMID')
        pmid2mesh['PMID'] = get_text(article, './/PMID')

        # # Article title - Zero or One Occurrences
        # result['ArticleTitle'] = get_text(article, './/ArticleTitle')

        # Abstract - Zero or One Occurrences
        abstractList = article.find('.//Abstract')
        if abstractList != None:
                abstract = '\n'.join([line.text for line in abstractList.\
                result['Abstract'] = abstract
                result['Abstract'] = ''
                noabs += 1
            result['Abstract'] = ''
            noabs += 1

        # # Author List - Zero or More Occurrences
        # authors = article.findall('.//Author')
        # result['AuthorList'] = parse_author(authors)
        # # Journal - Exactly One Occurrance
        # journal = article.find('.//Journal')
        # result['Journal'] = get_text(journal, 'Title')
        result['PubDate'] = {}
        result['PubDate']['Year'] = get_text(journal, 'JournalIssue/PubDate/Year')
        # result['PubDate']['Month'] = get_text(journal, 'JournalIssue/PubDate/Month')
        # result['PubDate']['Day'] = get_text(journal, 'JournalIssue/PubDate/Day')
        # result['PubDate']['Season'] = get_text(journal, 'JournalIssue/PubDate/Season')
        # result['PubDate']['MedlineDate'] = get_text(journal,\
        #                                   'JournalIssue/PubDate/MedlineDate')

        # MeshHeading - Zero or More Occurrences
        headings = article.findall('.//MeshHeading')
        result['MeshHeadingList'] = []
        pmid2mesh['MeshHeadingList'] = []
        if headings:
            for heading in headings:
                descriptor_names = heading.findall('DescriptorName')
                qualifier_names = heading.findall('QualifierName')
                if descriptor_names:
                    for descriptor_name in descriptor_names:
                if qualifier_names:
                    for qualifier_name in qualifier_names:
        mesh_count = len(result['MeshHeadingList'])
        if mesh_count in mesh_statistics:
            mesh_statistics[mesh_count] += 1
            mesh_statistics[mesh_count] = 1

        # Dump to pubmed json file <----------------------------
        json.dump(result, pubmed_output_file)
        # Dump to pmid2mesh json file <-------------------------
        json.dump(pmid2mesh, pmid2mesh_output_file)

    print('Finish parsing %s, totally %d articles parsed. Total time: %fs'\
                             % (file, count, time.time() - t1))
    print('%d acticles no abstracts' % (noabs))

Setting up directories in parsing loop

In [0]:
def parse_dir(source_dir, pubmed_output_file,pmid2mesh_output_file):
    if os.path.isdir(source_dir):
        for file in os.listdir(source_dir):
            if'^pubmed18n\d\d\d\d.xml$', file) is not None:
                    parse_pubmed_file(os.path.join(source_dir, file),\
                                      pubmed_output_file, pmid2mesh_output_file)
                    print("XXXX Unexpected error happended when parsing %s XXXX" % file)

Run the Parsing Pipeline

In [0]:
t1 = time.time()

pubmed_output_file_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'data/pubmed.json')
pmid2mesh_output_file_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'pmid2mesh/pmid2mesh_from_parsing.json')
pubmed_output_file = open(pubmed_output_file_path, 'w')
pmid2mesh_output_file = open(pmid2mesh_output_file_path, 'w')
parse_dir(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, ''),\
              pubmed_output_file, pmid2mesh_output_file)
parse_dir(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, ''),\
              pubmed_output_file, pmid2mesh_output_file)

mesh_file = open(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'data/mesh_statistics.json'), 'w')
json.dump(mesh_statistics, mesh_file)

print("==== Parsing finished, results dumped to %s ====" % pubmed_output_file_path)
print("==== TOTAL TIME: %fs ====" % (time.time() - t1))

MeSH to PMID Mapping

In [ ]:
inputFilePath = "data/pubmed.json"
meshFilePath = "mesh2pmid/"
mesh2pmid_output_file = open(meshFilePath + 'mesh2pmid.json', "w") 
mesh2pmid = dict()
    with open(inputFilePath, "r") as fin:
        start = time.time()
        k = 0
        for line in fin: ## each line is single document
                k = k+1
                paperInfo = json.loads(line.strip())
                data_dict = {}
                # update PMID
                data_dict["pmid"] = paperInfo.get("PMID", "-1")
                #update MeSH Heading <----------------------
                data_dict["mesh_heading"] = " ".join(paperInfo["MeshHeadingList"])
                # collect Mesh2PMID <-------------------
                if data_dict["pmid"] != "-1":
                    for mesh in paperInfo["MeshHeadingList"]:
                        if mesh not in mesh2pmid:
                               mesh2pmid[mesh] = []
                if k%500000 == 0:
                print("XXXX Unexpected Error happened at line: XXXX")
        # Dumping rest papers
        for key,value in mesh2pmid.items():
            json.dump({key:value}, mesh2pmid_output_file)
        mesh2pmid = dict()

        end = time.time()
        print("Finish Total escaped time %s (seconds) " % (end - start) )