Entity Count

CaseOLAP score calculation requires the entity count per document. This step provides the data which connects metadata for text-cube structure and entity-count per document.

Selection of entity : Entity(phrase) are defined by user to be studied under the text-cube document structure. User defined entity could be protein names, chemicals, disease or signs and symptoms etc. Search and listing of entity based document: The search functionality in Elasticsearch DSL package uses index name, parameters and query to list the document from indexed database. The query includes all representatives of the specific entity e.g. synonyms, abbreviations.

Entity count : Then each document from the list is analysed one by one to count the entity also called term frequency, tf(p,c) . With the help of text-cube metadata, for each of the document in cell of the text-cube, the entity count is recorded as PMID to entity count mapping.

Text-cube metadata update : Once the entity count is completed, text cube metadata is updated by adding PMID to entity count mapping . Following are the additional metadata prepared:

  • count the total occurance of each entity cntP(c) within each cell,
  • count the total number of documents df(p,c) within a cell in which entity appears.
  • calculate normalized term frequency ntf(p,c) [eq ref] and normalized document frequency ndf(p,c) [eq ref] using quantities obtained above.

Import required libearies

In [0]:
import sys
import json
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search, Q
from collections import Counter

year_constraints = None

Setting up input output directories

In [0]:
input_index_dir = "../../elasticsearch-6.2.2/data"
input_file_pmid_and_cat = "input/pmid_and_cat.json" # a file containing cell to pmid mapping
input_file_entity_list = "../data/entities.txt"  # a file containing all entities
output_file_paper_entity_count = "output/paper_entity_count.txt"# an output file for entity count per PMID
output_file_paper_category = "output/paper_category.txt" # an output file containing PMID to cell mapping

Read in paper info and entity info

In [0]:
Read in paper info and entity info
with open(input_file_pmid_and_cat, "r") as f_in:
    pmid_and_cat = json.load(f_in)
concerned_pmid_set = set(map(lambda x: x[0], pmid_and_cat))

entity_count_per_pmid = {pmid: Counter() for pmid in concerned_pmid_set}

entity_dict = {}
with open(input_file_entity_list, "r") as f_in:
    for line in f_in:
        # synonums seperated by "|" and represented by the first one on each line
        line_split = line.strip().split("|")
        entity_dict[line_split[0]] = line_split

Search and count entities: to optimize and find count from indexer

In [0]:
Search and count entities: to optimize and find count from indexer
es = Elasticsearch(timeout=300)
k = 0
for entity_rep in entity_dict:
    for entity in entity_dict[entity_rep]:
        #entity_space_sep = "".join(map(lambda x: " " if x == "_" else x, entity))
        entity_space_sep = entity.replace("_", " ")
        # s = Search(using=es, index="pmc_all_index").query("match", abstract=entity_space_sep)
        s = Search(using=es, index="pubmed")\
                    .query("match_phrase", abstract=entity_space_sep)

        num_hits = 0
        num_valid_hits = 0
        num_counts = 0
        for hit in s.scan():
            num_hits += 1
            cur_pmid = str(hit.pmid)
            if cur_pmid not in concerned_pmid_set:
            #if hit.PMCflag != 0:
            #    continue
            if year_constraints is not None:
                # to-do
                print("To add year constraint handler.")

            abs_lower = hit.abstract.lower().replace("-", " ")
            entity_lower = entity_space_sep.lower().replace("-", " ")
            entity_cnt = abs_lower.count(entity_lower)

            if entity_cnt == 0:
                #print "----------", entity_space_sep, "----------"
                #print abs_lower

            entity_count_per_pmid[cur_pmid][entity_rep] += entity_cnt
            num_valid_hits += 1
            num_counts += entity_cnt

        #print(entity, "# hits:", num_hits, "# valid hits:", num_valid_hits, "# counts:", num_counts)
    k = k +1
    if k%1000 == 0:
        print(k,'entity counted!')

Entity count metadata update in each Cell

In [0]:
## paper entity count & paper category
with open(output_file_paper_entity_count, "w") as f_out_entity_count,\
        open(output_file_paper_category, "w") as f_out_category:
    paper_new_id = 1
    for cur_pmid, cur_cat in pmid_and_cat:
        if len(entity_count_per_pmid[cur_pmid]) == 0:
        # print paper category
        f_out_category.write(str(cur_pmid) + "\t" + str(cur_cat) + "\n")
        # print paper entity count
        for entity in entity_count_per_pmid[cur_pmid]:
            f_out_entity_count.write(" " + entity +"|" + str(entity_count_per_pmid[cur_pmid][entity]))

        paper_new_id += 1
PMID to Entity count Dictionary
In [ ]:
with open('paper_entity_count.txt') as ff:
    pmid2pcount = {}
    PMID2PCOUNT = []
    for line in ff:
        item = line.split()
        pmid = item[0]
        if len(item)>1:
            prot_freq = {}
            for pf in item[1:]:
                pfs = pf.split('|')
with open('pmid2pcount.json', 'w') as fp:
                json.dump(pmid2pcount, fp)

PMID to Category Dictionary

In [ ]:
with open("paper_category.txt") as f:
    allpmids = []
    PMID2CVD = []
    cvd2pmids = {}
    dis0 = []
    dis1 = []
    for line in f:
        item = line.split()
        if item[0] != 'doc_id':
            if item[0] in  pmid2pcount:
                if item[1] == '0':
                elif item[1] == '1':     

with open('cat2pmids.json', 'w') as fp:
                json.dump(cvd2pmids, fp)